Hello everybody, it's David here. Wow, it's been like 2 months and 2 weeks or, if you want to put it another way, 10 weeks since I've been with TP band & of course, the trumpet section. Quite amused by the way I was introduced to the band. I was a substitution for one of the previous trumpeter, and I shall not mention the name here. Not being jealous hor. LOL
My playing wasn't that good when I first came but of course, through everybody's teaching, little parts where I can improve on and some words of motivation, I improved. Thank you people! Of course, I still have a lot to learn, so if i asked you something, please don't reject me huh =D.
Thanks for letting me feel the love of having such a big section and special thank to everybody's guidance this few weeks. Especially Khairul, you lamer. From you people, I've learnt when to be serious, when to have fun and when to eat supper @_@ .
Ok, I've to stop now before it gets really emotional here. I'll always be here with Jonny, Elissa and Sharif, I believe. Hope that I've brought laughter into your lives just like how you guys brought love into my live. Bye people & SEE YOU LATER IN BAND ! OH AND I'M TRYING MY BEST TO MINGLE WITH THEM =D
Your's truly,
David Yeo Chuan Wei. (Wow, very formal right? Baik ah ! Shit, this part not formal!)