Hey guys...Khairul here,just wanna say that today i went to this NBC workshop with a very good Japanese band and boy did i learn many new things that we can do to improve as our individual playing and i cant wait to try it out during sectional...hahahaha(evil laughter)...yeah so im planning to at least have sectional once per week so can we all vote on what day you can promise me you can come for sectional...hahahaha...yeah i know we just finished NBC but lets make sure we dont take one step forward then two step back ok?...yeah and lastly this coming week would be the last week for Hui Zhen so do make yourself free for supper...yup and a special msg going out to her is thanks for everything eh!. the section shirt, the blog and everything else eh.
Yup so thats it for me then. Oh and can other ppl blog 2 other then the normal ones? im like running out of idea on what to say eh. So yeah take Care ppl and see ya when i see ya.